I was exploring Jupyter notebooks , that combines live code, markdown and data, through Microsoft's implementation, known as MS Azure Notebooks , putting together a small library of R and F# notebooks . As Microsoft's FAQ for the service describes it as : ...a multi-lingual REPL on steroids. This is a free service that provides Jupyter notebooks along with supporting packages for R, Python and F# as a service. This means you can just login and get going since no installation/setup is necessary. Typical usage includes schools/instruction, giving webinars, learning languages, sharing ideas, etc. Feel free to clone and comment... In R Azure Workbook for R - Memoisation and Vectorization Charting Correlation Matrices in R In F# Charnownes Constant in FSharp.ipynb Project Euler - Problems 18 and 67 - FSharp using Dynamic Programming
//int64 is required because the remainders are larger than int32
let rec Collatz (n:int64) count =
if n = 1L then
elif n % 2L > 0L then
Collatz ((3L*n) + 1L) (count + 1)
Collatz (n/2L) (count + 1)
let CollatzSequence start max =
let nums = [start..max]
let result = [ for i in nums -> Collatz (int64 i) 1 ]
let longest = List.max result
let idx = result |> List.findIndex (fun x -> x = longest)
let LargestCollatzSequence = CollatzSequence 1 999999
Alternative Recursions for Collatz, including Terras
let rec CollatzSequence num count =
if num = 1 then
let rem = if num % 2 = 0 then num/2 else (3*num) + 1
CollatzSequence rem (count+1)
let rec CollatzSequenceArray num count arr =
if num = 1 then
let rem = if num % 2 = 0 then num/2 else (3*num) + 1
let newArr = List.append arr [rem]
CollatzSequenceArray rem (count+1) newArr
let rec TerrasSequence num count =
if num = 2 || count = 10 then
let rem = if (num-1) % 2 = 0 then (num-1)/2 else (3*(num-1) + 1)/2
TerrasSequence rem (count+1)
let rec TerrasSequenceArray num count arr =
if num = 1 || count = 10 then
let rem = if num % 2 = 0 then num/2 else (3*(num) + 1)/2
let newArr = List.append arr [rem]
TerrasSequenceArray rem (count+1) newArr
let unitTest4 = CollatzSequence 4 1
let unitTest4_1 = CollatzSequenceArray 4 1 [4]
let unitTest4_2 = TerrasSequence 4 1
let unitTest4_3 = TerrasSequenceArray 3 1 [3]
- The following iterative sequence is defined for the set of positive integers:
- - n → n/2 (n is even)
- - n → 3n + 1 (n is odd)
- Using the rule above and starting with 13, we generate the following sequence:
- 13 → 40 → 20 → 10 → 5 → 16 → 8 → 4 → 2 → 1
- It can be seen that this sequence (starting at 13 and finishing at 1) contains 10 terms. Although it has not been proved yet (Collatz Problem), it is thought that all starting numbers finish at 1.
- Which starting number, under one million, produces the longest chain?
- NOTE: Once the chain starts the terms are allowed to go above one million.
//int64 is required because the remainders are larger than int32
let rec Collatz (n:int64) count =
if n = 1L then
elif n % 2L > 0L then
Collatz ((3L*n) + 1L) (count + 1)
Collatz (n/2L) (count + 1)
let CollatzSequence start max =
let nums = [start..max]
let result = [ for i in nums -> Collatz (int64 i) 1 ]
let longest = List.max result
let idx = result |> List.findIndex (fun x -> x = longest)
let LargestCollatzSequence = CollatzSequence 1 999999
Alternative Recursions for Collatz, including Terras
let rec CollatzSequence num count =
if num = 1 then
let rem = if num % 2 = 0 then num/2 else (3*num) + 1
CollatzSequence rem (count+1)
let rec CollatzSequenceArray num count arr =
if num = 1 then
let rem = if num % 2 = 0 then num/2 else (3*num) + 1
let newArr = List.append arr [rem]
CollatzSequenceArray rem (count+1) newArr
let rec TerrasSequence num count =
if num = 2 || count = 10 then
let rem = if (num-1) % 2 = 0 then (num-1)/2 else (3*(num-1) + 1)/2
TerrasSequence rem (count+1)
let rec TerrasSequenceArray num count arr =
if num = 1 || count = 10 then
let rem = if num % 2 = 0 then num/2 else (3*(num) + 1)/2
let newArr = List.append arr [rem]
TerrasSequenceArray rem (count+1) newArr
let unitTest4 = CollatzSequence 4 1
let unitTest4_1 = CollatzSequenceArray 4 1 [4]
let unitTest4_2 = TerrasSequence 4 1
let unitTest4_3 = TerrasSequenceArray 3 1 [3]
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